Month: May 2016

  • Minnesota Museum Month

    Did you know that May is Minnesota Museum Month? Minnesota has some fabulous museums. Check them out @ My favorite? Hmmm, well, I love historical museums. LOVE Glensheen Mansion in Duluth, James J. Hill House in St. Paul and the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul.

  • Once Upon a Time on May Day…

    …we used to deliver May Day Baskets and receive them. My mom would buy paper Dixie cups and colored pipe cleaners for  handles and we would fill the small baskets with popcorn and candy (a favorite was M&Ms) and then we’d deliver them to family and friends. You’d knock on the door and run away.…

  • Other stuff I do…

    In addition to being a writer and editor, I’m an historian (just completed my certificate in historic preservation). Check out the fantastic article done by Melissa Vander Plas of the Bluff Country Newspaper Group. It’s about an oral history project I started in my hometown.

  • For those who don’t have a Nook or Kindle….

    You can purchase and download a PDF at Smashwords: You can write a review on this site as well if you make an account.

  • Write a review on Amazon!

    Hiya, After you read Pandora’s Passion please post a review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The more reviews I get the better exposure for my book(s)!! (You can also choose to follow me on Amazon. I now have an author page).